Some opinion about the complement to send adaptor cable of HTC
There is very fastly updating in electronic product industries,And almostly another new type product will launch in every three month.The mobile phone industry is also,and from iphone7 to OPPO R9,the electronic updated information is popular among the life of young people.But,today I want to say.the most popular one is not necessarily the best, the same as the mobile phone,The most suitable one for you is not certainly the highest Configured level
Although HTC the newest Mobile phone named Bolt’s technology changes, they doesn’t send adaptor cable to The consumers with the technology changes.Then they open the entrance to apply in HTC US official website for consumers to obtain adapter cable through the buyer’s bill invoice. Although it is too late to make up for the defection,it display quite some problem truely we know ,Even for iPhone ,it also send free adapter cable randomly.
Because mobile phone adaptor cable is The most basic standard of mobile phone.So I want to remind that when consumers Chase popular elements and meanwhile please don't forget the most basic thing that they must try their best to safeguard their rights.